WEATHER Slovenia - all | Adria | Europe and Mediteranien - capital cities / aditional cities
FORECAST Slovenia - general | Adria | Europe and Mediteranien - capital cities / aditional cities
WARNINGS Slovenia - general
What is RSS?
RSS (Real Simple Syndication) is an XML-based document format for
supplying (or "syndicating") news and other relevant timely
information. It consists of headlines, links (URL) to the source
document and a brief description of the information.
How to use RSS?
In general RSS information can be accessed using RSS based "news
readers" and "news aggregators". These allow the
display of RSS headlines on computers and mobile devices which are
enabled to present RSS feeds. Some Web browsers (e.g. Firefox,
Safari, IExplorer 7.*, etc.) have RSS readers included. You may
search the Internet for specialized news readers and
ARSOmeteo - EARS is providing RSS feeds for its
weather observations and forecasts.
What is SRD?
SRD is a simple UNIX ASCII file format for remote sensing raster data.
View the documentation.