meteo!warning - help

general support in using ARSO meteorological warnings -

Slovenia - warning colours - maps, symbols, timeline

The coloured elements offer a quick insight into the actual and/or predicted situation regarding weather threats in Slovenia. The colour determination is related to the expected impact and thus to material damage.

European level - "Europe" / Meteoalarm (top right)

Here you can find a small preview of the situation in Europe and a link to the Meteoalarm portal with warnings from European national meteorological services, given in a unified way. The colour designation is consistent and harmonised as much as possible and extends across national borders in the Meteoalarm area.

Meaning of warning colours

    White: Missing, incomplete, out-of-date or unreliable data.     Green:
Special attention regarding weather events is not foreseen. 
Weather conditions can be unfavorable. 
Predicted possible weather events are not uncommon, but be aware if you are planning activities that depend on weather conditions.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the predicted weather conditions and do not take risks when it is not necessary.     Orange

Weather conditions can be dangerous. 
The predicted possible meteorological phenomena are unusual or occur less frequently.
Material damage and casualties are possible.

Be very alert and regularly check the details of the forecasted weather conditions.
Be aware of the risks you may not be able to avoid.
Follow the officially issued recommendations.     Red:

Weather conditions can be very dangerous. 
Severe meteorological phenomena are possible.
Greater material damage and accidents are possible in a wider area, and human lives may be at risk.

Check the details of forecasted weather conditions and risks as often as possible.
Unconditionally follow official orders and recommendations, be prepared for emergency measures.

Significance of symbols - weather phenomena

Easy-to-understand symbols to identify weather phenomena expected to cause danger.

Symbols/phenomena are explained in the legend in the right part of the website.

Filtering symbols - weather phenomena

When you want to be informed only about a certain type of risk or phenomena, you can do this by selecting the desired "threat type" with the mouse in the horizontal selection bar below the main image.

"Today" or "tomorrow" and time of the information system

The meteo!warning system offers you the opportunity to find out about weather threats. You can select this option by clicking on the appropriate day in the image bar above.

Displays are linked to Central European Time (CET = UTC+1).

How fresh are the data?

The time stamp is in the upper right corner of the page ("issued") and in the right corner of the main geographical map.
Indicates the date and time (CET) of the last update of the data in the meteo!warning system.

What if the data are not refreshed?

When the data in meteo!warning are not refreshed on your computer, try to refresh it by selecting F5.
If that doesn't work, check your internet connection (is it still active?), but the problem may be related to your local cache - try clearing it.

Regional level (2nd level)

With the colour indicating the highest level of danger in the area of ​​each meteorological region, that area is colored in its entirety on the overview map, and you can find additional details about the weather threat status on the map of each area. Selected area or meteorological region can be accessed by clicking the mouse on an individual area on the geographical map.

Data at the regional level

Timing and data about the intensity of the phenomena and background images

In addition to the threat level, additional data are provided for each region.

The table shows the time course and intensity of the phenomenon, such as e.g. wind speed, rainfall, etc.
A colour symbol is visible for the level and type of threat or phenomenon.

Two or more weather phenomena for the region

When two or more types of threats or phenomena are located in the region which require special attention, the data for each assigned phenomenon are listed separately.