Regularly submitted to MeteoAlarm (established under EUMETNET, the Network of European Meteorological Services) . On the front page actual images of valid weather alerts from server are displayed. Clicking on the link opens a new tab/window with additional information.
Textual weather alerts of the National Meteorological Service of
Slovenia in slovenian are available at .
Why are the available data old?
Try to reload the page (e.g.
View/Reload, the usual keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-R).
Try to empty/delete the cache of your browser (e.g.
On pages I see some strange
characters - for example in the name of certain Slovenian cities.
Pages are encoded in UTF-8 (8-bit
UCS/Unicode Transformation Format), which is a type of character
encoding for Unicode (an industry standard allowing computers to
consistently represent and manipulate a text expressed in most of
the world's writing systems).
Browsers are generally able to
recognize the encoding type of the page if it is constructed
Try to enable the automatic
detection (e.g. View/Encoding/Auto-Select/Universal).
Why is the page 'Interactive
weather' empty?
You have to enable the use of
javascript in your browser.
For easier navigation accepting
of cookies is also recommended.
Why is 'Interactive weather' so
Javascript files have to be
served to your computer - faster with a broader bandwidth; they
have to be executed - faster with a faster computer; a larger
amount of image data (e.g. model data) should also reach you from
our server - same reasoning as above (after the images are loaded,
the navigation should be quick enough for comfortable animation).
Newer versions of browsers should
be slightly faster for javascript execution.
Why text and image size are
sometimes disproportional?
Some pages consist of elements
where the text is not contained in an image and therefore the
browser treats it differently (e.g temperature over the
geographical map).
Text size can be adjusted in the browser. Default size is
recommended (e.g. View/Text_Size/Medium).
Ministry of the environment, climate and energy SLOVENIAN ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY
Vojkova 1b, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +386 1 4784 000 Fax: +386 1 4784 052